77 VERSION 2.2 |
Sunday, March 31, 2002
well, the party friday night was a ton of fun. we got to hang out with a bunch of people and drink lots of alcohol in the comfort of our phase 2 neighbourhood. i even managed to not get beat up. i wanna send a thank you out to those who organized it, and hopefully you'll have another party soon.
i've also managed to become quite the movie critic as of late, here are my recent findings:
Blade 2: cool, lots of actiony goodness and fighting and stuff.
The Wood: good, nice to watch with the guys.
Evolution: funny.. heh, lots of fun, has sean william scott in it, so you can't go wrong.
Idle Hands: not bad, has jessica alba in it looking fucking hot as always, so that's cool. otherwise some funny parts.
Zoolander: i can not believe i sat through this piece of garbage. this movie is bad.
by theonlybradever 3:16 AM
Thursday, March 28, 2002
It's time for some "Asian Repersentation" in this house. I can't remember the last time I posted. AHHHhHhhHHhH flicken school and work. If I knew University would be associated with work, I would have never applied! In all seriousness work is bumming me out, all four of the monkeys in this house are sick, and I'm awake at bloody 5am with hives all over my face. Big fucken BOOOOOOOOOOOOO. On the brighter side, quizzes are fun, gya!
by Steven 4:42 AM
Basically, there are three ways the skunk and paul are a lot alike. The first is, they both like to spread their "stink" around. The second is they both get hit by cars a lot. The third is stripes.
by theonlybradever 4:32 AM
i'm gonna let you in on a little secret. cold's suck. they suck a lot. even more than andrew does. so just keep that in mind next time you're healthy. cause getting sick sucks.
by theonlybradever 3:07 AM
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Raging Alcoholic Boy lives on despite consuming a rather stupid amount of alcohol last night...and he hasn't spilt his insides! Give him a hand folks!
by Not Indie Enough 8:32 AM
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
yes, well, i know already. i haven't posted in awhile, and i choose to blame it on both my masterful skill of procrastination and my general discontentment. as of now i'm barely eluding a particularly unimpressive cold that has set its sights on me, i'm getting seriously fuct by my bank, and that's not even to mention the shitty weather outside. so really, i think i'm just going to go back to pouting and putting off my ever approaching homework.
remember people, just because you may have a girl, doesn't mean you have to act like one.
by theonlybradever 5:04 PM
Monday, March 25, 2002
Hello children, Raging Alcoholic Boy here, deep inside Commculittut's belly. Just completed my presentation...and it went over time baby, boo yah, Paul Day, bullshitting master! I'd like to thank the academy...and what am I gonna do now? I'm gonna go to Disneyland!!!!...and play Halo. Or I could just stay here at Erindale and play Halo here...and there is booze here! Or at least there will be...I'm done with work till Monday, so Paul can transform to R.A.B as he pleases!!!
Quick report on the weekend: the gentlemen of house 77, other than myself, enjoyed themselves at the loo...however I'll let them tell you about that! Saturday night, I went down to the Horseshoe Tavern to see an amazing, fairly new band called The Junction. If you folks out there like funk and Radiohead...then check this band out, they are an incredibly good band who deserve a big fat record deal! And mentioning The Junction, I'd like to give a shout out to Brent, Matt and Mikey for putting on a great show for those former students of Mayfield S.S and the Horseshoe...and Brent, last song...can't remember what its called.....ROCKS. Keep up the good work fellas, and I promise that Mr.Kittmer and myself will be making more appearances at your fine shows.
Next up...CCIT presentation...its done! HA!!!! SUCKA!
This moment of indigestion brought to you by:
Commculittut, "Get in ma belly!!!!"
And that moment of movie quote rip-offs brought to you by:
Boredom, "People paid attention to my presentation, and now I'm being an ass and not doing the same."
by Not Indie Enough 4:06 PM
Friday, March 22, 2002
Hey kiddies, Raging Alcoholic Boy here...who isn't raging...isn't drinking...and had to deal with traffic today that only a man could handle..OYE. Ever had to drive clear across Toronto through rush hour traffic children? No? Well if you ever have to...try to avoid the 401 at all costs. I unfortunately had no choice, as my dear father got food poisoning from Clam Chowder...thats right, clam chowder, who ever would have guessed that eating soup based on slimy bottom feeding animals from the ocean would make you ill? Go figure!
Anyway I am happy to report he is fine now...but on a scary note...I think I passed by Mr.Gamalinda's neighbourhood (Ellesmere and...something...I dunno...it was a hospital)...I locked my doors and broke out the flak jacket just in case, but happily there were no incidents to worry about. Anyway...I am now stuck at home doing shit all...FUN IS THE NAME OF THE GAME KIDS!
I think I'll either go drink some hard liquor or do some laps around the province so I may make this evening go faster...come on Peel Pub don't let me down tomorrow! *clicking heals* "There's no place like Peel Pub, there's no place like Peel Pub, there's no place like Peel Pub...."
This moment of...I don't even know what...brought to you by:
Peel Pub "We threw Raging Alcoholic Boy out onto the street for a good laugh and so that we could screw him over...shall we go for two?"
by Not Indie Enough 10:22 PM
Thursday, March 21, 2002
Hello children, Raging Alcoholic Boy here again. This is just to comment on Andrew's last post...there is a correction. Mr.Day WILL be coming to Peel Pub, and fun will indeed be had by all, and in fact Mr.Kittmer from Ryerson shall be joining us, adding to the hilarity...
...something must be wrong with Raging Alcoholic Boy as I cannot come up with anything else to say today.
Booze must be the answer!
Yours Truly
Raging Alcoholic Boy
by Not Indie Enough 4:15 PM
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Hello children, Raging Alcoholic Boy here...well...not so alcoholic tonight, cuz I have too much work (it was my understanding that university was just socializing with the opposite sex and getting slapped by them when you say something stupid, I am confused)...in response to my esteemed colleagues Mr.MacKenzie and Mr.Gamalinda...three words...briefly followed by one word......what the fuck.....dumbasses...
In response to Mr.Cale's most recent post...CLEARLY you must be suffering from a lack of sustinance with this school's faculty....oh and uh...what the fuck...Hannibal Lector over here...whoa...crrrraaazzzeeeeeeeee
*ahem* I to am finished my essay. I think I will go and proceed to dance naked in the streets of Toronto until I am arrested or until a pimp says I should work for him.
This moment of weirdness brought to you by:
Exhaustion "Without it, you would be a stable, sound, and intelligable person at 4:00AM."
Yours Truly
Raging Alcoholic Boy
by Not Indie Enough 4:14 AM
i just finished writing two essays in two days... that's 17 pages of bullshit. my secret: Everything I know I learned by killing smart people and eating their brains.
by theonlybradever 4:05 AM
by Steven 12:27 AM
Friday, March 15, 2002
ok, there has finally been another successful update to the House 77 Productions page... head over there and laugh your ass off in the vids section. more to come soon.
in other news, new millencolin = good.
by theonlybradever 12:25 PM
Hello children, Raging Alcoholic Boy here again. Last night we here at 77...weren't actually here. We were in fact at the establishment of Peel Pub, having a fun time celebrating dear Matthew's girlfriend, Laura's birthday.
House 77 wishes her a happy 19th birthday.
As for the evening, it was good fun for all, drinking abound, Matt forcing beer after beer down our over-eager throats. I'd also like to give a shout out to Alec, Jackie, and Emi and thank them for managing to deal with the ruckus we caused. I'd also like to apologize in advance for spelling mistakes in the names there, even though I doubt they'll ever read this anyway.
Moving on, we here at House 77 also want to thank Ryerson for putting up with our drunk asses: more specifically, the ever Andrew-bashing Jov, and the tired yet friendly Kittmer (Andrew for those who don't know that his close friends from Mayfield tend to call him by his last name). We thank you both: and Kittmer, again, I owe you beer...or something with the magic ingredient of alcohol involved.
Right then, that about covers it. A quick recap however:
Maybe a shot, I don't know for sure
Blackness of sleep
Horrible horrible sunlight
ErinConnect dies
This moment of insanity brought to you by:
ErinConnect, "You can always trust that we will go down when you least want us to. And that's a promise we can keep."
by Not Indie Enough 12:05 PM
Thursday, March 14, 2002
my TA is asking silly questions on a topic she has little handle on... it makes me cry... :-(
by theonlybradever 2:33 PM
Now that was a fistfull of stupid.
by theonlybradever 2:16 AM
Hey kids, its your pal Raging Alcoholic Boy here again. I would like to say on behalf of House 77, that we are NOT in any way affiliated with Wrestlemania and its relevant constituents.
In other news, a recent survey of those living in Paul Day's room found that 99%* of the population thinks that wrestling is a pointless act, done by pointless actors, and has a pointless script.
This slap in Andrew's face was brought to you by:
Sanity, "I can't believe its not a part of this post!"
Insanity, "Without it, House 77 would be a less interesting place."
* Correct to within -1%, in 10/10 polls.
by Not Indie Enough 1:38 AM
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
here's today's thought, straight from brad's brain: unless it's perfect... girls are a hassle... and even when it's perfect.. things can go shitty. but then it always ends in fucking awesome make-up sex.
by theonlybradever 11:27 PM
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
i've been doing some serious thinking, some of which is probably hazardous to my current state of health as it could seriously alter the status quo. i think it's time for something new...
by theonlybradever 3:20 AM
Monday, March 11, 2002
There...if that isn't sucking up I don't know what is! HA!...suckers...uh...shit...he can still read this! DAMN!
by Not Indie Enough 6:32 PM
Not to Pascal Michelucci: Paul Day here. While I do not find value in the CCIT Tutorial sessions, I do find value and purpose in the course as a whole. Please in no way link my distaste for the tutorial to a distaste for the program as a whole. On the contrary, I truly enjoy it.
by Not Indie Enough 6:31 PM
as of now, i am left with only these words: "it's called a lance.... helllllloo."
by theonlybradever 5:07 PM
My tummy hurts :(
by Steven 5:03 PM
Hello children, sit down around the fire and let me tell you the story of the evil Commculittut monster! Not long ago, in a far, far off building on the other side of the campus lived the Commculittut. He was a scary monster who had eyes of LCD screens and teeth of Dell computers! He would sit in the bottom of the south building, luring poor freshmen into his gaping jaw and would eat them for two hours, torturing them with pointless rhetoric and by wasting their valuble time. "Why, oh Commculittut, do you torture us so by eating us for two hours when clearly one would be enough?!" The poor children asked one day. "Because I am no ordinary monster! I am a monster that you pay to be eaten by! And I could not justify being given this much money for only one hour of work! So I stretch everything out endlessly!" He replied. And he continued to eat them every week, and torture them, over and over again, never ending. But alas, children, for I have no happy ending! Why in fact I am in Commculittut's belly as we speak! And no bold hero is here to slay the beast! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
And now for something completely different:
The preceding exageration of the CCIT Tutorial was brought to you in part by Raging Alcoholic Boy, House 77 Productions, and Insanity.
"Insanity - Without it, CCIT could not have come true."
by Not Indie Enough 4:38 PM
Hey kids! It's Raging Alcoholic Boy here! First...I would like to comment that Paul Day does not get drunk on the weekends. Raging Alcoholic Boy does. Paul Day gets drunk on the various days of the work week (for those who do not work - which I am sure is most of you...that means, those four days that do NOT fall into the "weekend" category...and by "weekend" I mean Friday, Saturday, Sunday...a working man's weekend...not a uni students weekend). Next I would like to comment that following the Clothing Caper of 2002, our house was graced with more hilarity when the associates of Cale, Day, and McKenzie Incorporated dragged all the beer cases in the house to block Mr.Gamalinda's door.
As Mr.McKenzie put it...HACK THE PLANET!
Yours Truly,
Raging Alcoholic Boy
PS-Kids...don't do drugs...and don't get smashed when you have to get picked up the next morning by your mother...vomit on your sweatshirt leaves a lot of explaining...however for you bright ones out there...if you CHANGE THE SHIRT you will not have to worry about this. (I managed to be a bright one)
by Not Indie Enough 2:53 AM
Sunday, March 10, 2002
this week's edition of good music from brad includes a new song from Millencolin called fingers crossed. enjoy, and remember kids, share with care, like andy does.
by theonlybradever 7:52 PM
Saturday, March 09, 2002
hehe this pink drink is refreshing.... mmmmmmmmmm
by Steven 7:10 AM
Friday, March 08, 2002
i've recently been struck by the truthfulness of a new rule.... i propose we put a one month limit on going steady.
by theonlybradever 5:58 PM
Wednesday, March 06, 2002
Hey all, Raging Alcoholic Boy here again. Jesus...when people study at Erindale...they study, and completely forget to have fun. Sweet zombie jesus...no one feels like doing anything on campus anymore! I went to just about every house here at phase two, and no one was willing to do anything. Well...I suggest that at the end of the year...we have a blow out bash! The Friday before exams begin...everyone get tanked more then they have ever been tanked before! Let booze flow like water from a tap! Let there be numerous houses full of drunkards and doped up fiends! Let there....bah...who am I kidding! Let there be maybe 20 people tops getting tanked like they do every week! Erindale is suckin it up tonight!
Yours truly
Raging Alcoholic Boy
by Not Indie Enough 1:36 AM
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
allo allo
This resident has nothing to say tonight...
looks like another slow night, whatev
Just a reminder, sexy h77 shirts are on the way!
If you are interested in purchasing/winning one, please email us. We need to know roughly how many to order. Just think... you'll be walking down the halls of UTM with the official h77 shirt. You'll be the coolest kid on campus! Great for parties, pub nights, weddings, and especially StarCraft parties. How much for this life changing article of clothing? Well we don't know yet... still working out the details. We'll post some pics later, assuming we still have to change the smoofie of the week, edit video, and get around to our homework. Peace, love, and Pez to ya'll
by Steven 9:32 PM
yeah, so today mattie, andrew and i beat down some microsoft employees and got prizes for it... it was pretty pathetic overal, they were easy targets. the whole experience kinda reminded me of taking pot shots at andrew's intelligence or his male-female social skills.
by theonlybradever 5:51 PM
Sunday, March 03, 2002
This is Raging Alcholic Boy coming to you live from Ryerson Polytechnic University at Pitman hall...more specifically, room 1206...things are unfortunately not so happening as Ryerson is just getting back from there reading week, but things are good regardless. The booze is flowing and the company of old friends is constant...although maybe not now, as I am alone. But whatever, things are good. All I can say however is that Ryerson people (other then my gracious host Kittmer) suck, cuz they all go out on the weekends to clubs and shit. BAH! Anyway this is to let those at Erindale know that we clearly haven't had enough to drink yet...I met a gentleman by the name of Trevor who I kid you not had a wall covered with 36 two fours, around 20 forty's...and something like 50 other bottles of varying descriptions...ladies and gentlemen...these ARE the biggest boozers I have ever met. You do the math, 36 two fours...that is roughly a two four a week. That is also some $1440....dear mother of God. They have spent more on booze then I have spent on booze and food and entertainment combined. Sweet zombie jesus that is an insane amount of alcohol. The one dude (not Trevor) had something like 10-20 forty's in his room alone. THey are fucking insane...anyway...this is me signing off.
Yours truly
Raging Alcoholic Boy
by Not Indie Enough 1:51 AM
Friday, March 01, 2002
So uh...the place is trashed. I dunno what it is about this house...but we are useless at cleaning. I don't think I've ever seen such a disgrace to cleanly people everywhere. Our response...meh...last night was a bummer...went to pub just to see if it was even worth going inside. Surprise surprise, it wasn't. So then we here at 77, along with others from fabulous phase two went to phase four...where we stood outside in the cold...thinking about how much the party sucked. And then we proceeded to go back to phase two...bah. We need a real party again sometime soon!
Yours Truly
Raging Alcoholic Boy
by Not Indie Enough 5:40 PM