77 VERSION 2.2 |
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
holy crap that UFC game i got is realistic, first i managed to unlock a secret female character to beat on, then i made a character of me. then i got my ass kicked by a girl.
how's THAT for realism!
by theonlybradever 5:11 PM
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
To para-phrase Brad's last comment...oh, go back to the insane asylum Andy....either that, or you have had wayyyy too many Richards Honey Brown to drink!
by Not Indie Enough 6:49 PM
oh, go back to rez paul! :-p
in other news: DAMN i'm hungry.
by theonlybradever 4:02 AM
Monday, July 29, 2002
....all right lets not mince words little man. The fact remains the title of that band rocks.
And Andy, nice try. I know you changed it from Richards to Rickards.
by Not Indie Enough 4:15 PM
actually paul, i believe that for a word to be an acronym it has to be pronounceable.
so pretty much none of those are. :-p
by theonlybradever 4:13 PM
Aight, I think it needs to be pointed out that while Ninjas should be damned, its the hippies that deserve the REAL blame!!!
Continuing on from that, I would also like to point out that unions suck ass cuz they are the dumbasses that have kept factory line work alive instead of automating it. Now while I would then be out of a job, this would drive the economy further and would allow for lower tuition fees etc etc meaning I wouldn't need to earn as much anyway...motherfucker...I started at my new temporary job at F&P MFG Inc.....I work on the LV under C.P from the early AM to the early PM and let me tell you I'm P.Oed about the B.S that I had to deal with today and that some of the nincompoops there need to learn their ABC's again let alone be supervisors....Anyway I thought I'd bring that up before I head out to the IGA so I can pick up some food.
This moment of acronym hell brought to you by the letters A,S,L
"The biggest sign you are a total loser is if you ask someone A,S,L."
...and it's brought to you by A.S.A...a now defunct band that possibly had the best band name ever (Another Stupid Acronym)
by Not Indie Enough 4:02 PM
by theonlybradever 1:59 AM
Sunday, July 28, 2002
first weekend of brad's vaction is now over i guess, unless any of you are gonna get here in the next ten minutes... (hint hint),
and here's a recap.
-off work friday morning, asleep by 9am.
-awoken by the damn phone at 7:45pm, raced like mad to get moving.
-went to phil's. drank lots of beer.
-got like 4 hours of sleep.
-played at toys'r'us.
-got a new xbox game
-saturday nite-sunday, HOLY LAN PARTY BATMAN.
-brad sucks at warcraft 3.
come drink with brad, it's what people in bruce county would do.
by theonlybradever 11:52 PM
Andy you can go ahead and suck back on a Richards, or as I like to call them, 'Dicks', while I go ahead and drink my Rickards, thanks!
by Not Indie Enough 7:43 PM
I had no problem with the attractive young lady from Russia randomly saying hi to me on ICQ. She is nice, speaks English enough to have a meaningful conversation with me, and I have fun trying to teach her better English.
I had no problem with the young lady from China contacting me, she speaks English fluently and is REALLY cute to talk to.
...I had a problem with the dipshit from god knows where that couldn't even spell mother fucker right....
That will be all.
by Not Indie Enough 1:28 AM
Friday, July 26, 2002
IMPORTANT NOTICE: brad is now on holidays. come drink beer with him.
by theonlybradever 8:44 AM
Thursday, July 25, 2002
I'm not impressed by the cost of tuition. I am also equally not impressed by the lack of job security at Guardian fiberglass...however I might get a new job at F&P of Tottenham on another production line manufacturing framework for Honda...I cant imagine it's any worse then getting thousands of peices of fiberglass embedded in my skin...although I'm sure they'll find a way!
by Not Indie Enough 5:07 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
holy fuck, i'm am NOT impressed with how the ccit major forces you to take like 1 MILLION specified credits.
by theonlybradever 9:31 PM
Sunday, July 21, 2002
Well despite an unfortunately low turn out this weekend at Madison's, I have found myself a new watering hole. Classy British pub style place with a gorgeous patio and nice view, along with a relatively attractive clientel. Plus they serve Strongbow! Yes, Madison Avenue Pub is the place to be this summer folks! Come one come all!
by Not Indie Enough 3:23 PM
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
well, this past weekend was just a bit strange. it seems that i am taking a lot of flak for my choice of clothing recently. lets start with friday nite shall we... ok, so i went to Rob's Sports Bar in walkerton with some friends, and while playing pool some guy that i totally don't recognize at all (this is a strange thing while at rob's) decides to warn me that he think's i look like a "retard" in my labatt blue shirt with my tie, not only does he tell me this, but then basically threatens to beat me up for it... some people just have too much empty space in their head i guess. now we'll continue on to saturday nite which i spent at some bar called "GT's" in london, this time i was wearing my deftones shirt with the little rainbow logo on it and a long sleeve shirt underneath, again, i was just drinking my heineken with my friends, and some girl asks me if i'm gay... when i give her a look of confusion as i hadn't said anything to her yet, she gestures to my shirt... and says "the rainbow...", well, i laughed, and smiled, and made some comment about how if i said "yes" would she try to "straighten me out", haha... anyway, if any of you were wondering, the whole london bar scene is WAY overrated... western kids don't know how bad they have it. hahah.
by theonlybradever 11:28 PM
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Aight...could this not perhaps be the most perfect day in history? I work for twelve hours...feel a great deal of satisfaction at the hard work I have put in, and I also feel a part of a great group of workers...not to mention Natalie is fucking hot...then I drive home on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and enjoy the sunlight. I get home...have a cool shower, feel refreshed...and then dad tells me two things of note: "Hey Paul if you want I bought some Heineken, you're welcome to them." "Oh and by the way, the Subway at the bottom of the hill is open now." ...a smile proceeds to cross my face as it dawns upon me that I can not only go and buy a subway sandwich...but I can buy one from a Subway that is a mere 2 minute drive and a 5 minute walk. Even better, to compliment my meal, I have Heineken. And better still, I can AFFORD to spend the cash on the sandwich. AND!!!! AND!!!! I can now go ahead and sleep...oh praise the Subway and Heineken gods!
by Not Indie Enough 3:31 PM
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
hey all, long time no post, I am a zombie at the moment so I'll make this quick. Whitby was fun, saw emus, cows, sheep, and some really smart looking guys. Thanks Milly Willy. Hmmmm job still sucks big ape balls. Will check out those songs, and yes the last boss of the Internet is hard (losers). I'm going to cry to myself now... I miss you 3am, don't see you no more :(
by Steven 12:35 AM
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
First of all, Brad, welcome to the club, I'll tell u now, that first day you WILL be awake for a very fucking long time. Second, a little report on two music videos I have just seen. First of all is H77s fav song, Sweetness by Jimmyeatworld...and that is a kickass video, certainly a very unique style, a definite two fiberglass filled thumbs up. Next up is Celine Dion's newest crap from the Stuart Little 2 soundtrack...can you say AIRBRUSHED? I haven't seen that much paint on a face since I went to the Portrait Gallery in London!
by Not Indie Enough 11:27 PM
dudeman, how'd you do it!? i always get stuck on the boss of "disconnecting dial-up users" fuck him. he should die!
well, it seems that i'm gonna be joining paul on the night shift... tomorrow at midnight i switch shifts. fun fun fun. off to subway i go!
by theonlybradever 4:38 PM
Monday, July 08, 2002
Done third day of work...and witnessed third fire, this time the flames were licking the ceiling...the guy who is training me, Phil, was dancing and cheering, backlit by the fire....I sat and watched as 30ft high flames danced about the place....and yet no one ran to help out....no one yelled or panicked....can you say "welcome to the twilight zone" children? Lost ten bucks to a guy at a game of 31...shame, I almost had him. Been up around 26 hours...I have two horribly sore blisters on both hands...oh and to top it all off, I get to fall asleep at 3:30 again....my day is almost as strange as my last post
by Not Indie Enough 2:57 PM
The soul brotha Raging Alcoholic Boy heyah on dis fyne Monday mornin! This is just a lil reminda dat da soul train ride on clear to the next station which comes in sometime round 2pm! We got da jive shit ready for y'all so get yo grooves on and bounce wit da groove thang two weekends from now y'hear?! We gonna get some jive shit a'happenin! I gonna hit up da fibahglass plant so catch ya on da slipside! Love and peash from y'all favoorit soul man, Paul "The Ladies like the Gravy" Day.
by Not Indie Enough 12:29 AM
dude, i am soooooo close to perfecting the upsidedown cannon ball.
haha, you should have seen hendrix' face when he saw a farm on the way to mills' house. hahahaha. he was like glued to the window. haha
by theonlybradever 12:13 AM
Friday, July 05, 2002
Right so if Brad can do it so can I. These are Raging Alcoholic Boy's choices for some good music to download. First on the list is Paul Oakenfold...Hendrix you should know him...he is considered the biggest DJ on earth. His recent album Bunka has some awesome songs, Ready Steady Go is an excellent choice, and so is Southern Sun. Another good one to get is a song called Understanding a Car Crash by Thursday, an excellent Emo band that can actually raise their voices a little in anger. Peash all!
by Not Indie Enough 11:55 AM
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
...the current time is stated below...roughly 14:45 hours...at present...I have been awake some 27 hours. I just got home from my first but most certainly not last shift at the Guardian Fiberglass plant in Erin, Ontario. Please...someone say they have a harder job...cmon...I dare you...tonight I probably threw from these now sore and worn hands some 9-10 metric tonnes of fiberglass. I had to experience temperatures approaching 35 degrees celcius. I had to deal with FIRE...yes that's right there was a fire...which I also might add is apparently commonplace....(gulp)...and I also had to deal with trillions of sharp pointy shards of glass attempting to enter my poor defenseless body. I drank somewhere in the neighbourhood of 6 litres of water. I had to use the pisser twice. The rest went to sweat and blood (yes...blood...my foot has a lovely sore on it now) And to top the whole damned thing off...to make it almost unbearable...I grew to like it....I think I am dehydrated and possibly just suffering from exhaustion but I enjoyed working hard, even though I am now harshly paying for it. Anyway....talk to you ladies later...dinnertime (at the suitable hour of 3pm) and sleep (at the suitable hour of whenever the fuck I am done my dinner and rest my eyes for half a milisecond) await me
by Not Indie Enough 2:49 PM
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
Pre-Night Shift Report
Shit this is gonna hurt.
by Not Indie Enough 11:57 PM
Monday, July 01, 2002
Okay, Post-Edgefest report. Full details upon request, rundown:
1) Waited in line for one and a half hours in boiling sun, got through line up to find another line...screamed
2) Grade was utterly useless and dissapointing
3) Sevendust was pre-empted for Jerry Cantrell...must kill Jerry Cantrell
4) Sevendust followed, and rocked, but hurt a lot.
5) Mudmen were entertaining as always.
6) Goldfinger...most entertaining band of the day.
7) Finger Eleven, played new stuff, sounded amazing
8) Cake followed...insulted Canada on CANADA DAY....got booed and bottled off stage...
9)....we left cuz we didnt want to see Our Lady Nickelfault (Nickelback) (Default being the other Our Lady Nickelfault)
by Not Indie Enough 11:15 PM