Tuesday, November 29, 2005
i'm definitely enjoying this new ad campaign for the xbox 360.
by theonlybradever 3:28 PM
Monday, November 28, 2005
this song has been super stuck in my head.
also, i like the direction hendrix' sanity is heading. this seems promising for everyone involved.
by theonlybradever 10:27 PM
I think Hendrix has finally lost it.
by Not Indie Enough 12:00 PM
Sunday, November 27, 2005
cloud cloud cloud TUNNNNNNNNNNNEEEELLLLLLLLLLL cloud bird cloud
track track track track track track track track track track track track
by Steven 9:31 PM
Let me be your favourite nightmare, close your eyes and I'll be right there.
by Steven 9:02 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
hahahaha, okay, the Quintippio is here people!!! The "NEW FIFTEEN BLADE MEGA SHAVE"! Oh man, if anyone has thought that having four, or five blades on a shaver is absurd, this advertising campaign is freaking hilarious. I just saw it on TV for an American audience, but this is the British site, still the humour is absolute gold.
by Not Indie Enough 11:21 AM
People of the southlands! I bring you tidings of the coming of the new season! For lo! Invading clouds are upon us and bring with them a deluge of SNOW! It suffocates the very air we breathe and erases the horizon with which we guide ourselves. The advancing wall deadens mine ears and eerie calm swallows life. WINTER is on our doorstep, and there is nothing to stop its entrance through our doors!
But fear not for in this dark hour I bring you counsel as well as tidings - embrace it, for it is a pretty thing to stand collecting snowflakes on your tongue and listening to the quiet nothing of snow tumbling effortlessly to the ground.
And you'd best get used to it, because there is a LOT of it coming.
by Not Indie Enough 2:12 AM
Monday, November 21, 2005
i'm sure by now a ton of you have heard about the whole sony rootkit disaster. i found this article today that makes me laugh. i remember when a few years ago it was announced that you could circumvent their copy protection with a simple felt-tipped marker. so much for crazy DRM. yet again, this illustrates the ridiculousness of the DMCA, as according to that hilarious piece of legislation the aforementioned scotch tape is an illegal device as it can be used to break Sony's DRM technology. ahh hilariousness.
by theonlybradever 5:44 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I just finished watching Will Ferrell's skit on the Earth to America program that TBS put on. I'll get the bad stuff overwith now - why is TBS putting on a liberal-minded program about something that most of America doesn't seem to give a damn about? I always assumed that TBS was super Republican considering they won't even say shit in their late late movies, although I assume that probably has more to do with the narrow-minded broadcasting regulations of the U.S. Also, it seemed to me that not enough of the program was serious enough about tackling the problem.
But anyway, Will Ferrell did a skit as George Duble-yah....and holy crap, funniest thing EVER. He killed it. Absolutely killed it. Sounded exactly like him, had the same mannerisms, had the same pacing of voice...it just kicked ass. Will Ferrell is a comedic God. Anyway, just felt like sharing that, try and download it online if you can find it.
by Not Indie Enough 11:42 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Wow. That's all I gotta say about last night. Went to Andy's to go drinkin with him and Eric. Cip shows up and we played some fooseball and got drunk. Then Andy and Cip took off when Eric et al showed up to hang out with Shanron's co-workers. Then Eric, John, Melissa and I went to Fun Haus. Interesting place...lots of weirdos, myself included. Expensive freaking drinks too when the band is playing.
Anyway, then we eventually started off to get to Shannon's, and I got us lost. And we had to hop a fence. That was entertaining. Got awful directions from Andy on how to get there from the South, but we were both drunk...no less can be expected. Then I terrorized Jessica and Sonja for a bit. Then we left for Dance Cave, as per usual. I don't remember a single song. I DO remember that Andy got kicked out for spraying the bartender, haha. It was AWESOME. OH. Goldschlager. NOW I remember how I got so drunk. Two shots of the shit. haha So once Andy was kicked out we went to Paupers Pub and got into some kind of conversation with these cougars. I don't remmeber much about that. Then we went to some pizza place (I think) on Queen street, nearly got in a fight cuz we didnt have any cash or something. And then finally stumbled back to Andy's. Then I woke up and my credit cards and debit card were gone! Good times. On the bright side, this morning Carol bought us Coldplay tickets!! So I'm super psyched about that and Depeche Mode now.
Goooood times. Lotta beers.
by Not Indie Enough 4:42 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
so some of you may have heard about Apple making the switcheroo to Intel sometime soon, but unsurprizingly, there are already some people working away building their freak-machines. i'm definitely curious as to how this is going to turn out. cheaper hardware? maybe. but opening the doors to the windows world of conflicting hardware isn't gonna be all fun and games, but it's cool to hear that it already boots faster than windows, and runs reasonably stable considering it's a developer build.
by theonlybradever 4:26 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Today was a long ass day.
Came into work late, no one seemed to mind, but I shouldn't push my luck. People are starting to notice the kid with huge headphones constantly downing chilled espresso drinks. I have lost my cloak of invisibility, the most charished posession of any temp.
Bailed on Jo's invite to watch Zathura. Instead, I ate burgers with Desny at O'Grady's then caught the 7 o'clock showing at Con Hall to see Tracey Lee McCloy graduate. It was a lot like ours, except they got a happy speech. The speaker had an awesome line, "Go forth and make your life a work of art." Tracey looked beautiful tonight and I'm certain she won't have any difficulty in realizing those words.
Other graduates in attendence included Alicia Smith, Soledad Ronco, Kristin Green, Viktor Bezic, and Adithi Menon. Congratulations to all. Hahaha yes there were only 6 graduates!
Side note: The BOSS OC-3 Octave Pedal will be mine. Oh she will be mine. It sounds like sex but in pedal form.
by Steven 11:20 PM
Let's try this again, except with sarcastic gusto! First off, I understand these new photos are bigger, but if you go back to the smaller ones it is still quite clear that the helicopter and Xs are in plain sight.
Helicopter! Helicopter close-up! The GIANT Xs. My sarcastic close-up of the Xs, and some other items for scale.
There you go! Now you can see better. I do understand that if you don't fly all to regularly you have no clue what stuff looks like from the air, and the helicopter was tough to see...but the Xs??? They are white...and off the ends of the runway!!!
by Not Indie Enough 9:49 AM
Monday, November 14, 2005
So I finally flew my first cross country flight today, destination: St.Catharine's. Nothing special, but it was a lot of fun. Some of the photo highlights are below, courtesy of my dad who tagged along for the ride. Highlights of the trip itself included my royally screwing up one of the radio calls to St.Catharine's radio. Jeff had to jump in and save my ass from further embarrassment, but I recovered and did just fine on the trip back.
Another highlight was having to put the plane into a fairly solid slipping turn, and forward slip....which means the plane is going one way, I am pointed another way, and I am dropping altitude like a stone. I did it on purpose to drop height on my approach into St.Cat's. The reason being that I am used to a lower circuit height at Brampton than what they have there, it's fun for a pilot, no so fun for a passenger. I'll be sure to do a couple of those for ALL of you.
Finally - on the way back, nearly into Burlington headed north, still over the lake, we had a very sleak helicopter absolutely rocket past us no more than 100ft below, and not very many feet horizonally away. I was terrified by that to say the least cuz I never saw him at all. But my dad DID get a cool photo! So check all the photos out and enjoy.
by Not Indie Enough 6:15 PM
......okay....here is the money shot....I blurred out the unimportant areas to put focus on the important part....mainly.....a freaking VERY FAST HELICOPTER like 100ft below me and only a few feet away horizontally. That thing scared me. A LOT.
by Not Indie Enough 5:38 PM
Hamilton Harbour catching the sun setting....so pretty....
by Not Indie Enough 5:38 PM
Beautiful Hamilton...I think....can't see through all that...steam of death...
by Not Indie Enough 5:37 PM
A beautiful shot of the sun reflecting off Lake Erie from 4500 ft ASL. Lots of crap on the windows too...mmm mmm bug guts.
by Not Indie Enough 5:37 PM
Niagara Falls just barely visible in the distance, with mist popping up.
by Not Indie Enough 5:37 PM
Skyway Bridge! Enroute to St.Catharine's!
by Not Indie Enough 5:36 PM
Brampton Flying Club! That's where I fly, kinda obvious roofs don't ya think? easy to see from far off. They're doin construction on runway 26/08, hence the big white Xs on the end.
by Not Indie Enough 5:36 PM
Me, with Gold Foxtrot Mike Oscar, a Cessna 172R, my plane for the flight!
by Not Indie Enough 5:35 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2005
So last night was interesting. Went downtown to catch Jarhead with Jake Gyllenhaal and Jamie Foxx. I am sure you've all heard of it. Anyway I truly, truly enjoyed it. Some people don't like the ending, and some people find it pro-American.
I found it to be neither, honestly.
To me the ending just supported a lot of themes that the story tried to emphasize throughout the film. And oh the themes...it seemed almost anti-war to me. Or certainly it glorified the aspects of war which most other war films never (or raely) have - boredom, sex (or lack thereof), boredom, masturbation, and boredom. I think other films sort of touch on these ideas but you really get the full effect of them put across in this film. The acting by Foxx, Gyllenhaal, and Sarsgaard was simply stellar. Certainly the writing in the film was well thought out, and I am sure this helped them as actors, but they all put out amazing performances, especially Foxx, so this movie kinda makes up for Stealth *shudder*. As for Pro-American feelings...they ARE there...but I think they really are only there to show you what being in the Marines is like, it is not like the film is actively trying to promote an American way of life. It SHOWS you what things were like instead of telling you, I think that is the best way I can put it. So go and see it, and enjoy it!
Anyway other exciting news is that I played on the Xbox 360 last night - there is a demonstration of it on Queen street just east of Spadina. I played only the new Perfect dark cuz the other consoles were all occupied. I won't say much except for a few brief comments.
New controllers are well thought out and feel very natural. A nice mix of the old burger ones and the small ones, with vast improvements in the shoulder buttons.
The graphics are mind-boggling. I can't get over how pretty they are. They just have to be seen to be believed - although Perfect Dark (don't laugh) seemed to have abnormally dark brightness...I couldn't see much at all a lot of the time, though we suspected it might have been the LCD TVs they were played on.
The control centre or whatever it's called is an interesting bit of software. It is very nice eye-candy but the functionality isn't immediately user-friendly. For a while we couldn't even get back into the game we were playing when we checked it out. That being said, it looked like people had fucked with the settings of it, so it's entirely possible that from a fresh start, it would be more obvious how to use it properly. It seems neat in any case.
So there you have it, Jarhead rocks, and the new Xbox 360 is something I am 100% gonna buy...if I can find some place that isn't damn well sold out!
by Not Indie Enough 12:59 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
I think I found my wife. I love you fafi!
by Steven 12:50 AM
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Gonna be a long November.
by Steven 5:40 AM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
i just finished reading Identity Crisis, and i gotta say, it was definitely awesome. i know, i know, it's a comic book, and that makes it dorky or something, but it was a good story, and definitely has some huge implications for all of the heavyweights in the DCU. anyway, if you're into that sort of thing, and maybe even if your not but just wanna read a cool murder mystery, check it out.
by theonlybradever 11:21 PM
KienQuach.com is back online.
by Steven 4:33 PM
UTM servers suck! I've been trying to up this one image but it keeps stopping at 57%... TAKE YOUR MEDICINE AND LOVE IT! Fucking shit. I think we'll be squatting on Neogamma's server for a bit.
This is my stress relief. Hello sunshine, come into my life.
by Steven 2:20 AM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Did anyone else receive an early Christmas present in the mail? The National Student Loans Service Centre sent a very lovely letter. At top of the page, in bold letters it reads:
So there weren't any exclamation marks but they might as well have added them in with the bold. I don't owe as much as I thought, but I still owe. I just started to feed my piggy bank, now I gotta turn it into a bulimic to pay the monthly $165.79. Impluse buys are on hold.
I thought working downtown would be the shit, but the hustle and bustle can be a little off putting sometimes. You rush for your train, you rush for your elevator, you rush through your work, you rush for lunch, you rush home. It is kind of hard to stop and smell the roses in a concrete jungle. You're lucky I love you Toronto.
Temping is still fun, I'll let the world know when it turns sour.
by Steven 7:53 PM
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
holy crap this is funny.
by theonlybradever 8:42 PM
Now, I have a relatively great deal of disdain for the remake of King Kong. But check out this so-called "Look inside"....and tell me the first thing you notice...could it be that Peter Jackson is HALF the man he used to be??? It looks like he's lost in excess of 100lbs!! haha really, just check that out, it's insane how much weight he's lost. He actually no longer looks like a Kiwi George Lucas now! Now he's more like a Kiwi Woody Allen with a really, really bad haircut and beard (something like my own back in the day, but dark hair)
by Not Indie Enough 6:46 AM